I'm Drew Tomlinson. I first dabbled with creating a web site back in 1999 during a trip to Canada. At the time, I used Microsoft Frontpage because I knew nothing about web design, it was similar to using Microsoft Word, and I had it.
It's been 20+ years since then and both the web and the way we access it has changed. No longer do we view web pages from the one family computer with a large screen. While we still use desktops occasionally, we are more apt to view sites with laptops, tablets, and phones. The old site was not designed for the various screen sizes of all these devices. Add to that, Microsoft Frontpage has been gone since 2003. Thus, this is the beginning of making a new site using 21st century tools. This will be an ongoing work in progress for a long time. In fact, I think it will probably always be a work in progress. It's just that as time goes on, it should look less and less like a construction zone and more like a website.
I'm starting with a camping section. I plan to add other sections in the future. Maybe a little about myself, family, and friends depending upon how they feel about having their information posted on the web. I just don't know at this point but I hope whatever I put up you will find interesting. So welcome along and check back regularly to see what's new!